We don’t just want to survive the Empty Nest! We want to maximize this time and thrive!
Maybe you see the “empty nest” looming ahead, or you are already there! Maybe you have a child who passed before his/her time. Or perhaps you are a single parent who shares custody and feels sad when the kids are at the other parent’s house. There are a variety of reasons and seasons that parenthood can bring grief our way at times. In this blog post I offer many different natural interventions to ease the pain of any of these situations.
My Own Situation

I’ll never forget the first time I realized that time was hurtling past me and I was headed for the empty nest sooner than later. It was the day my firstborn son finished middle school. I just knew that high school was going to fly by. And indeed it has!
At the time of this writing I have a semi-empty nest and it hurts! So I decided to experiment with some natural interventions to see how they help me. Namely, homeopathy, essential oils, flower essences…and hobbies. Yes, hobbies! 😊
One of the most important things I have done recently is go hiking and cry it out. Sometimes, nature is all we need to find our balance again. And that cry in nature did help! But after a few days my “teary-eyed” state returned. It was hard for me to talk about or think about how I was feeling without getting tears in my eyes all over again. So I turned to natural remedies and I am happy to say I am feeling a lot better. See the video for more on which remedies I took and how they affected me.
How This Blog Post (And Attached Video) Can Help YOU!

While it is important to feel and identify why you feel the pain that you do, it can also be beneficial to support your “constitution” while you sort through the feelings and emotions that arise at this time. Enter: homeopathy, flower essences, and essential oils!
Below is a list of feelings. Read through each of them to find natural remedies for that emotion. Choose the emotion or feeling that you feel strongest right now, and start with those remedies.
Even if you choose not to take anything, reading about these emotions may help you to better identify the layers of grief you may be sorting through. In addition to grief, you also may be processing emotions that you suppressed during your years of motherhood which have nothing to do with motherhood or loss of your children now! As moms, we tend to go-go-go with no time to stop and sort through our feelings along the way. You may have 20 years of “sorting” to do, in general! And it may feel overwhelming at this time for everything to “come up” at once.
Which feeling is the most predominant?
Read on to find which feeling below is the most predominant for you. Take note of the natural remedies suggested for that feeling and continue reading to learn how to best dose these items. Choose one remedy from each of the categories (one homeopathic, one flower essence, one essential oil). There is a long list of feelings you may identify with below. Choose the one that seems most “top layer” for you at this time. You can always come back to this list and address the “next layer” later.
Worry for your child’s well-being or safety:
- Homeopathic remedies: Aconite (fear for child’s life; fear is very acute/sharp), Arsenicum (fear for child’s health & safety)
- Flower Essences: Red Chestnut
- Essential Oil: Orange, Tangerine
Deep grief to the point of being in shock:
- Homeopathic Remedies: Ignatia (may have lump in throat or chest issues), Phosphoricum Acidum (mental/emotional debilitation)
- Flower Essence: Star of Bethlahem
- Essential Oil: Lavender, Basil,
Blues Buster Plant Therapy
Unloved, Invisible, Unappreciated:
Helpless; loss of control:
- Homeopathic Remedies: Staphysagria (may be accompanied by anger), Arsenicum (acting overly controlling or domineering, wanting to control a situation for your kids)
- Flower Essence: Fairy Lantern
- Essential Oil: Ginger, Neroli
Empty, like you were attached and that attachment has been ripped away:
- Homeopathic Remedies: Pulsatilla (if feeling clingy/weepy), Natrum muriaticum (need support; something is missing/empty)
- Flower Essence: Chicory
- Essential Oil: Oregano, Sandalwood,
Blues Buster Plant Therapy
Suppressed emotion – you feel like you need a good cry but it won’t come, or you are trying to put on a brave face:
- Homeopathic Remedies: Natrum Muriaticum (cannot cry in front of others; reserved/introverted, sadness, may have history of long-term grief), Ignatia (lump in throat or tight chest before crying; hysterical crying; emotional shock & disappointment)
- Flower Essence: Wild Rose, Fuschia (long term repressed grief), Golden Ear Drops (can’t cry), Hope and Joy Comfort Kit
- Essential Oil: Vetiver, Jasmine, Blues Buster Plant Therapy
Forsaken or forgotten by your children:
- Homeopathic Remedies: Phosphoricum acidum (especially if combined with physical and/or mental debility – almost like in emotional shock); Ignatia (lump in throat or tight chest may be present)
- Flower Essence: Holly
- Essential Oil: Lavender, Cinnamon
Lack of purpose:
- Homeopathic Remedy: Apis (with restlessness or busyness)
- Flower Essence: California Wild Rose, Wild Oat
- Essential Oil: Lemon, Roman Chamomile
Loneliness/desires company:
- Homeopathic Remedy: Pulsatilla
- Flower Essence: Bleeding Heart, Echinacea, Forget-Me-Not,
- Essential Oil: Frankincense, Cedarwood
Boredom/Want to Travel:
- Homeopathic Remedy: China officinalis 200c
- Flower Essence: Iris
- Essential Oil: Lavender, Thyme
General sadness and grief:
- Homeopathic Remedies: Ignatia (lump in throat or tight chest may be present): Natrum muriaticum (long standing grief, feel alone, trouble detaching)
- Flower Essence: Hope and Joy Comfort Kit, Star of Bethlahem, Bleeding Heart (letting go), Sagebrush (accepting loss)
- Essential Oil: Bourbon Geranium, Lime, Blues Buster Plant Therapy
Grief, teary-eyed:
- Homeopathic Remedy: Pulsatilla (weepy)
- Flower Essences: Hope and Joy Comfort Kit, Borage
- Essential Oil: Bourbon Geranium, Lime, Blues Buster Plant Therapy
Grief that has caused depression (trouble feeling joy anymore):
- Homeopathic Remedy: Natrum Muriaticum
- Flower Essences: Love Lies Bleeding, Hope and Joy Comfort Kit
- Essential Oil: Tangerine, Blues Buster Plant Therapy
Grief that has caused anxiety/overwhelm:
- Homeopathic Remedies: Phosphoricum acidum (to the point of mental/emotional debility), Sepia (hormone imbalance or peri/menopause is involved)
- Flower Essence: Aspen, Chamomile, Rescue Remedy
- Essential Oil: Tension Relief, Rosemary, Basil
Fear of Change:
- Homeopathic Remedy: Sepia
- Flower Essence: Sagebrush, Death Camas
- Essential Oil: Rosemary
- Homeopathic Remedy: Lachesis 30c
- Flower Essence: Holly
- Essential Oil: Cinnamon
- Homeopathic Remedy: Staphysagria
- Flower Essence: Honeysuckle
- Essential Oil: Lavender, Bergamot
Fear for your own future or aging process:
- Homeopathic Remedy: Baryta Carb 30c
- Flower Essence: Angel’s Trumpet
- Essential Oil: Roman Chamomile, Frankincense
- Homeopathic Remedy: Thuja 200c
- Flower Essence: Mustard, Sweet Pea
- Essential Oil: Cedarwood, Arborvitae (not available in Plant Therapy brand)
Angry/resentful at your child for leaving (even if you recognize the irrationality of this and are hiding this emotion):
- Homeopathic Remedy: Staphysagria (suppressed anger), Causticum (a feeling of injustice – “this isn’t fair”)
- Flower Essence: Scartlett Monkeyflower
- Essential Oil: Cardamom
Uprooted trauma:
- Homeopathic Remedy: Aconite
- Flower Essence: Yerba Santa
- Essential Oil: Helichrysum, Mandarin
- Homeopathic Remedy: Capsicum (with a feeling of being capricious/stubborn; refusing help), Phosphoric acidum (mental/emotional debility)
- Flower Essence: Cayenne, Tansy
- Essential Oil: Lemongrass, Thyme
Feel Abandoned:
- Homeopathic Remedy: Stramonium 30c
- Flower Essence: Evening Primrose
- Essential Oil: Frankincense, Geranium
Any Category of Grief & Stress
- Grief and Loss Spray
- Joy Juice Flower Essence
- Emotional Detox Spray
- Hope and Joy Comfort Kit
- Blues Buster Plant Therapy
How do I proceed with dosing the remedies?

When it comes to taking flower essences and essential oils, it’s easy! Take them as suggested on the package (I suggest using the essential oils in a diluted form topically). That’s it! But with homeopathic remedies it’s a bit more complicated. Follow these guidelines for taking homeopathic remedies:
- Only take homeopathic remedies as needed when taking for chronic or emotional issues. This means take a dose and wait. And wait. And wait some more! Wait until a few days have gone by to evaluate whether or not the remedy helped you feel better.
- Keep in mind that sometimes a homeopathic remedy will make you feel a bit worse before better. This can last for a few minutes, or a few hours, or in rare cases, a few days. We call this a homeopathic “aggravation”. After the aggravation wears off you should notice an improvement in symptoms/emotions above baseline (baseline being how you felt before taking the remedy).
- After a period of improvement you may notice the symptoms/emotions start to return. At this point, it’s time to decide what to do next. If the same emotions return, repeat the same remedy and repeat steps 1-2. If the emotions that return seem to be a bit different, go back to the list of emotions above and choose a new homeopathic remedy and start the process over.
- Once you feel you have reached homeostasis (feeling calm and at peace) stop taking all flower essences, essential oils, and homeopathic remedies. You are done!
I hope this list helps uplift you and allows you to grab ahold of this new chapter in your life and make the best of it! Don’t forget the “hobby” part of these recommendations. You have worked hard as a mom and it’s time to give back to yourself now. And anyway, you know the old saying: when mom is happy, everyone is happy! 🙂
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