For information about my international homeopathy practice, click here.
Rebecca presented to me with symptoms of Lyme Disease so severe that she is on disability and was not able to work or perform normal functions of life. Her symptoms included: severe depression, severe fatigue and weakness, severe musculoskeletal pain, asthma, constipation, tinnitis, chronic bladder and ear infections, and more. This is a synopsis of her progress over 6 months using homeopathic medicine under my care.
Initial Consultation: Syphilinum, Clematis, and Yellow Fever Nosode
Based on the hopelessness that characterized Rebecca’s depression, I chose Syphilinum. Clematis and Yellow Fever Nosode were chosen based on other features of her case and her health history. Below are the comments that Rebecca had about her progress with these remedies:
Surge of energy. No flulike aches. No asthma. Feeling of “vital force” throughout my body and mind. Energy enough to be upright almost all day.
Just wanted to tell you, I took the Syphilinum 30c last night after we got off, and it “shifted” me out of that super sick feeling, not totally, but was shifting. I slept until 1 pm today, haven’t done that in a long time. I am tired today, but the super sick feeling and the headache are not here. Also tinnitus is down. About 30 minutes after taking it, I got the tingling / chills in a good way all over my body.
I have to say I have felt the most “energy” from the Syphilinum remedy. Not sure if this is common with homeopathy, I am surprised at how much emotional insight and movement I am having/clearing.
I am noticing a very nice reduction in head pain, especially in the forehead area and temples. I have a strange (increased) amount of energy, little bit of bladder stinging, but feel better overall.
I have had a distinct feeling that the homeopathy is “working” …just how it feels.
Energy, palpable, feeling happy uplifted, joyful, hopeful.
Meditated. Realized I have not laid down all day (very rare for me to do that).
Just feel an overall sense of well being.
After yellow fever nosode, I had a spurt of spiritual creativity, a song came through very strong. I am not a singer. Feel upbeat/sense of joy and clarity. Mentally and emotionally feeling very centered, emotionally and spiritually uplifted.
Follow-up Consultations: Cygnus Atratus, then Hoang Nan and Anagalis
After the first follow-up consultation, we discovered that Cygnus Atratus was just not the right remedy for Rebecca (despite the match with her type of grief symptoms), so I switched her to Hoang Nan and Anagalis. My hope was that Hoang nan would help the grief/hopelessness that remained and also her chemical sensitivities. These were her comments about these remedies:
Been doing Hoang nan 200c twice a week, I think it is helping actually. I have had several moderately good days which has been nice. Overall mentally feeling uplifted, physically feeling pretty good. I like the vibes of the Hoang Nan, and I do think it has helped shift my bladder for the better. Feel a sense of being clear, 9pm right now, would usually have gone to sleep by now. Have a very nice energy, I had this last dose of Hoang. Not manic like at first with Syphilinum, just clear minded, seeing clear, a vibrant neutral..homeostasis? Balance?
So I did the Hoang Nan 1M on Wednesday, and then did the Anagallis 200 last night. I have a slight headache today, but have overall had a pretty good week. Grief and depression passed. I even had enough energy to do yoga yesterday. Been overall more active which naturally happens as I feel better. I feel hopeful again this week that I can get to a better life. 🙂
Poly-bowel Nosode
At this point I decided to add in the Poly-bowel Nosode for constipation, fatigue and some other mental and emotional features of her case:
My bowel movements and energy have improved. And, to top it off, yesterday was a long day of travel for me. I went from 8 am to midnight and did great! This is sooo huge Stephanie, for me. And today I am not totally wiped, I actually have energy. And on top of that I had an amazing BM this morning, and I NEVER am able to have a BM after traveling for at least 5-7 days and I have to take large doses of magnesium or stool softeners! I freaking love homeopathy. Poly bowel nosode is a hit. lol
While Rebecca’s case has had its ups and downs and she has a long way to go, in the 6 months she has been consulting with me she is so happy with the progress so far, she had this to say recently:
“I think I am officially obsessed with homeopathy! I am really thinking about going to school for it!”
For information about my international homeopathy practice, click here.
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