In the video above, I give a shorter version of Brady’s PANDAS / PANS case and how it unraveled using homeopathy. But in this blog you will get all the nitty gritty details which will give you an idea of what it’s like to unwind a complex PANDAS / PANS case long-term using homeopathy.
PANDAS / PANS (and Other) Symptoms & Behaviors
Severe OCD, violent outbursts (eyes go blank/dark), seizure activity, eczema, severe asthma, ear infections/tubes, frequent bronchiolitis/bronchitis/pneumonia, severe constipation, Chiari Malformation (seemed to come and go with pandas/pans flares/inflammation), chronic impetigo (suspected staph), frequent unremitting strep infections (even with targeted antibiotics), born with breathing problems and a hole in his heart, two midline hernias, very low immunity, anaphylaxis/food allergies, speech apraxia and “language disorder – NOS” (almost non-verbal), global developmental delay, crawled and walked very late only with intense physical therapy (hypotonia), fine motor difficulties, suspected Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, severe autistic features.
Mother’s Pregnancy
Nausea until 31 weeks, frequent use of prilosec and zofran, emotional traumas (Ethan’s health/behavioral issues, marital distress), pre-term labor/bedrest for 3 months, very poor diet, depression, mother felt “defective, weak, something is wrong with my body that it can’t sustain this pregnancy”, severe exhaustion. Mom was mercury poisoned a year before conception (improper removal of mercury filling, resulting in severe gastro symptoms).
Labor/delivery: scheduled c-section, went into labor hours before, had an allergic reaction to spinal anesthesia (quickly resolved by IV benadryl), slight feeling of suffocation from spinal, Brady was born with fluid in the lungs and was turning blue and couldn’t cry.
Brady’s Early Days as an Infant
First 36 hours in NICU on oxygen, no breastfeeding allowed, very weak cry first few months, very floppy body (hypotonia), breast-fed well.
Onset of PANDAS / PANS & Other Symptoms
Went “mute” the day of 4-month DTAP vax (after 30 min of brain cry), immune problems and eczema started in early months, PANDAS / PANS behaviors (violent outbursts, emotional lability) started at 9 months, Chiari Malformation symptoms started at 2 years (ataxia, swallowing problems, pain at base of skull), asthma started at 3.5 years, constipation started early on, clostridia diarrhea on occasion from antibiotics, frequent strep (wouldn’t resolve with any antibiotics), first anaphylactic reaction from walnut exposure at 3 years, pneumonia at 3 years.
Side Effects to Medical Interventions
DTAP brain cry and then stopped babbling. Clostridia and Candida infections from over-use of antibiotics. Steroid-induced psychosis.
Health Conditions & Diagnoses
Asthma, allergies, anaphylaxis, seizure activity (stopped breathing during febrile seizure), constipation, Chiari malformation (ataxia, pain, swallowing), speech apraxia, language-disorder-NOS, autistic features (not diagnosed), hypotonia, eczema, food allergies, low IQ (93), learning disorder NOS.
History of Infections
Klebsiella pneumonia, Clostridia difficile, strep pneumonia, candida, strep, staph, proteus, ear and sinus infections, bronchitis/pneumonia.
Mainstream and Alternative PANDAS / PANS Interventions Tried Before Homeopathy
Stopped vax after 9-month shots, antibiotics, antifungals, spironolactone, methylation support (helped autistic features), many supplements, and steroids.

Homeopathic Protocols for PANDAS / PANS
1st constitutional homeopathic remedies: Thuja, Ignatia, Carcinosin
1st infection clear: Strep pyogenes nosode
Other homeopathic remedies used over the years: Oxygenium, Arsenicum, Belladonna, Stramonium, Veratrum, various Strep strain nosodes, Candida albicans nosode, Klebsiella pneumonia nosode, Clostridium difficile nosode, Proteus nosodes, Staph aureus nosode, Bartonella nosode, Borrelia nosode, Babesia nosode, Influenzinum nosode, CV nosode, Histaminum, DTaP clear, Hep B vax clear, H. Influenzinum clear
Results Using Homeopathy (& Other Modalities) for PANDAS / PANS. Is He Cured?
Brady had short-lived improvement to Thuja (looking back he wasn’t put on a high enough potency), Ignatia helped calm down the PANDAS/PANS violence, but Carcinosin was really what started the gains on a cognitive level. He started socializing the day of his very first dose! His words came very slowly over many years but started with Carcinosin (in later years craniosacral therapy helped here as well).
Chiari improved almost immediately and abated completely over time. He stopped getting positive strep throat cultures about 5 months into homeopathy. Constipation slowly improved over many years (fiber gummies were helpful for a few years). Severity and frequency of asthma attacks improved with DTaP clear and then cessation of dairy in later years, and is abating with Hep B clear at the time of this writing. Frequency of pneumonia flares improved with Strep pneumonia nosode. Immune system got stronger over time. An expander in his mouth did seem to improve his grades immediately and clear up sleep apnea.
Brady’s PANDAS/PANS exacerbations became a thing of the past within about 18 months of starting homeopathy (age 4). However, he did have an exacerbation in puberty (age 11) which was short-lived (see below for details). Brady is now 17 and hasn’t had a PANDAS/PANS flare since he was 11, despite having had several positive strep cultures since then. I personally see this is as close to a cure as one can get. Could he have a flare in the future? I suppose it is possible. But homeopathy has proven to pull him back from exacerbations time and again so we don’t worry about it one bit.
Puberty PANDAS/PANS Flare
He had a puberty PANDAS / PANS flare which lasted a few months. This was the result of an infection he acquired on a cruise during which he was given heavy allopathic meds on the cruise to overcome. He came back from the cruise in a violent PANDAS/PANS flare. He was also forced to quit sucking his thumb that week (for installation of a palette expander in his mouth) which caused him a lot of distress (he suppressed emotions his whole life by sucking his thumb and it was like all emotions came to the surface at once when he had to quit). Homeopathy did calm it down right away but it took a few months to fully abate. Looking back this happened months before the Covid shut down and mom suspects he got Covid on the cruise. Brady has not had bouts of PANDAS/PANS since this puberty exacerbation.
What Does Maintenance Look Like for Brady Now?
Today Brady is a healthy, happy, and social 17 year old who does not have PANDAS/PANS symptoms, even if he tests positive to Strep. He is in advanced classes in high school and always on the honor roll. He developed his first friendships in 8th grade. We never had his IQ retested but it is obvious it has risen.
He is, in all ways, a normal teenager with a happy and funny disposition! He does still struggle with language (grammatical errors in his sentences when speaking) but he is not at all self-conscious. He acts like he is not even aware and jokes around with his friends about this limitation when he struggles with communication. He is very popular at school and has a very active social life with a lot of friends and a best friend. He is active in sports and weight lifting. He is very disciplined and responsible with school work.
Mom (that’s me:) calls him “Mr. Sunshine” because he brightens up every room. His recovery has been miraculous. For maintenance he continues supplements for immune and methylation support. He gets colds from time-to-time but upon quitting dairy, his colds are less complicated. He does need to use albuterol to overcome occasional bouts of asthma. He does struggle with hives when he gets sick. Most of his colds resolve with homeopathy and gemmotherapy alone.
He maintains his asthma with sleep, diet, and supplements/homeopathy. He basically treats himself with the remedies he keeps on hand and is becoming more and more responsible for his own health.
Brady is an example of what is possible when one pursues healing over the long haul!
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