In this video series (5 total videos) I discuss which remedies can be used for the various emotions experienced during this pandemic quarantine. In this video I discuss homeopathic remedies for isolation and grief.
In this video series I discuss homeopathic remedies for: grief, loneliness, financial fears/anxiety, fear of germs/virus/health, anger from oppression/injustice. Subscribe to follow along.
Homeopathic remedies discussed: Camphora, Coffea cruda, Stramonium, Silicea. Another remedy to consider if you are feeling clingy is Pulsatilla (I did not discuss this one in the video).
1:10 Rubrics for loneliness (in homeopathy software) 1:40 Various pandemic/quarantine emotions 3:55 What is Homeopathy? 5:50 Camphora (materia medica) 10:40 Coffea cruda (materia medica) 15:55 Stramonium 21:10 Silicea
Links to products:
Camphora: https://www.amazon.com/Boiron-Camphora-30C-30c-pellets/dp/B0006PKLYO
Coffea: https://amzn.to/2UXfhp5
Stramonium: https://amzn.to/34z3mB6
Silicea: https://amzn.to/34vWKDA
Pulsatilla: https://amzn.to/3eagiBH
For free Ebook (How to Use Homeopathy in Your Home), send me an email (write in subject line: free ebook): Stephanienewton.homeopathy@gmail.com

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