In this video I discuss a case in which homeopathic “Cobaltum” (and Mugwort Flower Essence) helps to ease emotionality in a child.
Mom’s comments after giving the remedy:
“He is calm and agreeable, not angry, he does what he has to do in the mornings, he is back to his lovable self, he feels good about himself, we are really happy with the way his is acting interpersonally in the family, he is less influenced by external influences!”
Cobaltum is known to help with these features:
-feelings of worthlessness -feeling like a criminal (guilty) -mental excitement (vivacity/exhilaration…to a fault) -moodiness
Mugwort Flower Essence is known to help with these features: – assimilating dreams – staying grounded in the body
Mugwort Flower Essence: https://amzn.to/3jZ6aOB
Want to research homeopathy? Start with this book: Impossible Cure https://amzn.to/3nZ2tev For wellness consults or group coaching programs: http://www.StephieNewton.com stephanienewton.homeopathy@gmail.com
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