Carcinosin is a homeopathic remedy I use quite often in my practice for social anxiety and pandas/pans. This remedy helps people to go out into the world and socialize, among other things. In this video I discuss the features (materia medica) of Carcinosin, along with the results when used in a PANDAS/PANS case. You can watch this case in video format, or keep reading for blog format.
Case Results
Carcinosin was used in a teenage boy for a case of PANDAS/PANS. Here were the reported results:
“He was accepting and calm when we did not permit him to attend a party (normally this would make him very angry)…desire to organize and clean…demonstrating impulse control and restraint…making plans for his future, he wants to help people (this is new)…went to a church event with a new friend and invited friends over for Halloween (both of these are significant, he hasn’t done anything social in over a year)…got reports from teacher that he was more pleasant and interactive than usual…it is striking that he is no longer bringing up a friend he has lost, which he used to bring up daily.”
Michelle, Client of Stephanie Newton Homeopathy

Carcinosin Features/Materia Medica (who is it good for?)
Carcinosin has been shown to be helpful for people with the following case features: Perfectionistic, or fastidious (or being raised by a perfectionistic, controlling parent). Obsessive Compulsive. Overwhelmed. Passionate, overextend themselves. Sympathetic, feels guilt, people pleaser. Fear of unknown, fear of failure. Worry about health, feels incurable. Underwent chronic terror or fearful situations for a long period of time. Had to grow up early, maybe was abused or is being abused. History of caretaking someone sick for a long period of time. History of cancer (or cancer in the family) or fear of cancer. Social anxiety. Suppression (emotions or immune system). They feel: worse for reprimand, worse for consulation, worse for anticipation.
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Carcinosin: https://amzn.to/3mdVmgA
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