Are you the Do-it-Yourself Type?
Are you tired of relying on your homeopath each time you or your family members need a new homeopathy protocol for chronic illness, or just wellbing, in general? Or do you not even want to invest in a homeopath right now?
Are you the type to want to dive in and learn a handy skill so that you can do it on your own? Whether you like the challenge, or just want to save money on homeopathy visits, you may be the type of person to benefit from learning to manage chronic conditions on your own with little assistance.
Why I believe this class is BEGGING to be born!
In the homeopathy community, among homeopaths and among avid homeopathy users (people who hire homeopaths), there seems to be a mantra I hear repeated over and over:
“You can’t take a constitutional remedy without the guidance of a homeopath…You can’t clear a pathogen with a homeopathic nosode without a homeopath…You shouldn’t do a vax detox without a homeopath”.
Homeopaths and Homeopathy Clients in FB Groups
In some cases this may be true: in the case of very complex disease (at least in the very beginning of the case), or with someone who just doesn’t like to do it themselves, or someone who questions their own intuition/judgement (in which case, we can find a remedy for that obstacle! No, really lol).
While I’m tempted to also repeat the “don’t do it yourself” mantra (and I have), when I started using homeopathy I did a ton of experimentation on my own between homeopathy visits.
And no one got hurt! In fact we all benefitted. And guess what?? I learned from doing.

I have also noticed in my large homeopathy group, Wellness with Homeopathy on FB, that people are diving in and trying constitutional remedies with or without the “blessing” of the homeopathy community. It’s almost like this class is begging to be created! Not only that, but in my recent survey of FB members, this particular class scored very high…so the interest is quite high!
Another reason why I am excited to teach this class, is because there are things I just can’t say in a large homeopathy group:
- I can’t recommend a remedy without mentioning some of the caveats which may come with that recommendation (there are special pharmacies some of the remedies must come from that require a homeopath’s approval…watch out for xyz with this remedy…it’s best to use this potency with this remedy…and the list goes on).
- Some things can’t be said on social media because there is the issue of “fact checking” and banning.
- There can be pushback in groups from people who don’t agree with the recommendation that you “do-it-yourself”.
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Let me put the control back in your hands
There are many reasons I feel it is time to take my current clients and many others to the “next level”…to a place where you are not depending on a homeopath’s time or blessing to experiment and follow your intuition! Afterall, homeopathy represents “freedom”. Freedom from limiting symptoms so that you can live your best life. Let’s take that to the next level: freedom to be your, or your family’s, own healer!
“The change I noticed last week after dosing the new remedy was pretty considerable. This week I’ve met up with my best friend who I’ve shut off and not seen for around 9 months and we went for a drink of beer together and I also went out with my mum and sat in a public place and ate food today feeling pretty manageable. It really is truly amazing this journey from sheer hell to feeling like I can go out again, all be it still some to go but the difference is miraculous and I look forward to improving even more, so basically I just wanted to thank you again for everything you’ve done so far, I don’t know what life I would have lived if I didn’t choose to see you. I’m truly grateful.”
Will, Stephanie Newton Homeopathy Client who had Tics, OCD, and Agorophobia (now studying to become a homeopath!)
“All is going well here. Sleep is good most days…he went to his brother’s party a few days ago and was more interactive with the guests…BM’s are looking better and better – less undigested food and no constipation.”
Melissa, Stephanie Newton Homeopathy Client
See “Testimonials” tab or my “Case Studies” Playlist on my YouTube Channel for many more testimonials.
What you will learn, get, and be able to do with this course
With this course you will learn to manage a chronic case/illness on your own! This course will include topics such as: repertorization, chronic case management, constitutional remedy prescribing, and isopathy (pathogen nosodes and “clears”).
With this course you should be able to choose new constitutional remedies for yourself or your family and friends. You will also recognize when there is a block or plateau in the case and be able to figure out how to clear that block some of the time (or know when to turn to a homeopath). This will save you time and money, and allow you to be less reliant on your homeopath (or in some cases, not need one at all).
What You Get When You Register:
- Entry into the Google Classroom for this course where you will have the opportunity to interact with myself and other students.
- Course Handbook
- Each Monday, that week’s course materials will be downloaded into the classroom. This includes pre-recorded videos and other supporting materials.
- Access to 2 live Q&A sessions, to be held during weeks 3 and 5
Topics Covered:
Week 1: What is Homeopathy, What is a constitutional remedy/classical homeopathy? History of Homeopathy, Homeopathic Philosopthy, Dosing and Potencies (steering the case), Materia Medica (study 5 polychrest remedies)
Week 2: Repertorization (Mind section), Materia Medica (study 5 polychrest remedies), Case Study
Week 3: Repertorization (Head pain, nose, chest, abdomen), Materia Medica (study 5 polychrest remedies), Case Study
Week 4: Repertorization (urinary, extremities, pain), Materia Medica (study 5 polychrest remedies), Case Study
Week 5: Repertorization (practice looking up symptoms), Isopathy (pathogen nosodes, tautopathy), Steering the Case (when to select a new potency/remedy/blocks/acutes, etc.)
Who would benefit from this course?

People who:
- tend to be “do-it-yourselfers”, in general.
- are not afraid to make mistakes, and like to learn by doing.
- already have a homeopath (maybe you can do some of the case management to extend the time between necessary follow-up appointments).
- do not have a homeopath and want to get started at home (for mild-moderate cases).
- just want to understand the process and patterns during the homeopathic process.
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Keep in mind that, in the process of experimentation, you may get “stuck” at some point and may need to turn to a homeopath. But doing a little dabbling at home (for mild-moderate cases) can be a good thing. It can help you learn to tap into your intuition and make you feel less reliant on your homeopath!
It would be ideal to do this class after completing the Acute Homeopathy Course (Level 1 Homeopathy Course). However, that is not a requirement – I know that many people already have a lot of experience using homeopathy in their homes.
This class will be a prerequisite to my Level 3 Homeopathy Course, so be looking out for the release of that class in the future (possibly Spring 2021)! If the creation and implementation of the Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 Courses go smoothly, and there is enough interest, I may go on to develop a full homeopathy school curriculum. You will not be required to take the levels in order at this time.
Regular price: $240
Black Friday/Cyber Monday Price: $215 (if registered and paid for by Cyber Monday 2020)
2021 Start Dates (Approximately 5 Weeks Long)
October 18, 2021
*Click Here to Register For This Course*
Email me if you have any questions or run into issues during the registration process: stephanienewton.homeopathy@gmail.com
Disclaimer: I am not a licensed medical doctor. If you have a medical emergency, please contact your medical doctor or go to the nearest emergency room or urgent care center. Ask your doctor before starting any new wellness modality such as homeopathy.